Nome Técnico: Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12
Referência: 33707
Ministramos Cursos e Treinamentos; Realizamos Traduções e Versões em Idioma Técnico: Português, Inglês, Espanhol, Francês, Italiano, Mandarim, Alemão, Russo, Sueco, Holandês, Hindi, Japonês e outros consultar
Curso NR 12 em Inglês
Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12
The ultimate goal of the Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12 consists in define techniques references, fundamental principles and protective measures to ensure health and physical integrity of the workers according to the NR 12, which sets the minimum requirements for prevention of accidents and work diseases.
What is the NR-12?
The Regulatory Standards approaches the projects phases and utilizations of machines and equipments, plus it’s own fabrication, importation, commercialization, exposition and cession to any title and economical activity, without the prejudice compliance quoted on the others Regulatory Standards and technical standards and, in case of their absence or omission, the international standards applicable.
Click on the Link: Criteria for Issuing Certificates in accordance with the Norms
Treinamento Livre Profissionalizante Noções Básicas (Não substitui Formação Acadêmica ou Ensino Técnico)Certificado de conclusão
Conteúdo Programático
Curso NR 12 em Inglês
General Principles;
Physical arrangement and installation;
Installations and electric devices;
Starting, activation and stop devices;
Security sistems;
Permanent means of access;
Pressurized Components;
Ergonomics Aspects;
Manutention, inspection, preparation, adjust, repair and cleaning;
Procedures of work and security;
Project, fabrication, importation, sale, location, auction, cession to any title and exposition;
Other specific requirements of security;
Final dispositions;
Annex I – Distances of Security and Requirements for Optoelectronics Detectors of Presence Use;
Annex III – Permanent means of access.
Prevention of Accidents;
Procedures and notion of first-aid;
Practical Exercises;
Perception of risks and factors whose affects people perceptions;
Security’s behavior impact and factors;
Fear factor;
Consequences of risk habituation;
The importance of knowing the task;
Ergonomic understandings;
Job analysis;
Ergonomic risks;
Theorical and Practical Assessment;
Certificate of participation.
Conteúdo Programático Normativo
Curso NR 12 em Inglês
General Principles;
Physical arrangement and installation;
Installations and electric devices;
Starting, activation and stop devices;
Security sistems;
Permanent means of access;
Pressurized Components;
Ergonomics Aspects;
Manutention, inspection, preparation, adjust, repair and cleaning;
Procedures of work and security;
Project, fabrication, importation, sale, location, auction, cession to any title and exposition;
Other specific requirements of security;
Final dispositions;
Annex I – Distances of Security and Requirements for Optoelectronics Detectors of Presence Use;
Annex III – Permanent means of access.
Prevention of Accidents;
Procedures and notion of first-aid;
Practical Exercises;
Perception of risks and factors whose affects people perceptions;
Security’s behavior impact and factors;
Fear factor;
Consequences of risk habituation;
The importance of knowing the task;
Ergonomic understandings;
Job analysis;
Ergonomic risks;
Theorical and Practical Assessment;
Certificate of participation.
Carga Horária
Curso NR 12 em Inglês
Course Interpretation and Applying of NR 12.
Participants with no experience:
Minimum workload = 40 hours/class
Participants with experience:
Minimum workload = 16 hours/class
Actualization (Recycling):
Minimum workloads = 08 hours/class
Actualization (Recycling):
It’s recommended yearly: or if occurs a event that indicates a necessity of actualization.
Certification: Will be issued the Certificate to each participant whose achieves a minimum exploitation of 70% (theorical and practical) according the Regulatory Standards.
Referências Normativas
Normative References to applicable devices and their updates:
NR 12 – Security at Machines and Equipment’s Work;
NR 06 – Equipment of Individual Protection – EPI;
NR 01 – General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management;
ABNT NBR 16746 – Machine safety – Instruction Manual – General principles of preparation;
ABNT NBR ISO 13850 – Machine Safety – Emergency stop function – Design principles;
ABNT NBR ISO 14121-2 – Machine safety – Risk assessment;
ISO 10015 – Quality Management – Guidelines for competency management and people development;
ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use;
ISO 56002 – Innovation management – Innovation management system;
Target Norms;
Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT;
Protocol – Guidelines American Heart Association;
Note: This Service exclusively meets the requirements of the MTE (Ministry of Labor and Employment) when it comes to service to other Bodies, inform when making the request.
Clarification: The purpose of our Course is to improve the student’s knowledge step by step on how to prepare the Technical Report; What enables the student to sign as Technical Responsible, are, first of all, the attributions that he has before his CREA Class Council.
Our pedagogical project follows the guidelines imposed by Regulatory Norm nº1.
After the payment, Purchase Order, Contract signed between the parties, or another form of closing confirmation, the teaching material will be released within 72 working hours (up to 9 days), due to the adaptation of the syllabus and compliance with the Standards Techniques applicable to the scenario expressed by the Contracting Party; as well as other adaptations to the teaching material, carried out by our Multidisciplinary Team for technical language according to the student’s nationality and Operational and Maintenance Technical Instruction Manuals specific to the activities to be carried out.
EAD Distance Learning, Presential and Blended
Legal Basis – Technical Standard 54 Work Ministery
RESPONSABILITIES – As a capacitation in SST it’s a labor obligation to be given by the employer to their employers in reason of risks arising from the explored activity, it’s full responsibility of the employer guarantee your effective implementation, subjecting to appropriate administrative sanctions in case of a not effective capacitation or still for a rottenness which doesn’t attend to legislation requirement’s. It’s indispensable to observe that, even if opt for the training realization in SST by distance or blench, it’s salutary that all training is adapted to the reality of each establishment. The employer is being capacitated by the employer to operate in a determined space, so, a generic capacitation will not attend to the peculiarities of every and any economical activity. See the Technical Note 54 of the Ministry of Labor MT.
PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
The OH&S management system approach applied in this document is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) concept.
The PDCA concept is an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continuous improvement. It can be applied to a management system and each of its individual elements, as follows:
a) Plan: determine and assess SSO risks, SSO opportunities, other risks and other opportunities, establish the SSO objectives and processes necessary to ensure results in accordance with the organization’s SSO policy;
b) To: implement the processes as planned;
c) Check: monitor and measure activities and processes in relation to the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives and report the results;
d) Act: take measures for continuous improvement of OH&S performance, to achieve the intended results.
Click on the Link: Criteria for Issuing Certificates in accordance with the Norms
Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use
Interested Party (Stakeholder): Person or organization that can affect, be affected or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity.
The justification of the Price and Value relationship:
The pricing of any service requires expertise related to the business world and the concept of Value is qualitative, directly linked to the potential for transformation existing in that content. The service has more value when it has added professional knowledge and secrets and the price is a consequent variable of the value, whose objective is to transmit it in numbers. Thus, the greater the value added to the content, the greater its fair price. Therefore, we do not authorize the use of our Proposals as counter-proof of closing with third parties of a lower price, or of secondary interest, Quality, Safety, Efficiency and Excellence, in every way, are our values.
Causes of Work Accident:
Lack of notice from the employer;
Lack of employee care;
Even carrying out all Training and mandatory Occupational Health and Safety Reports in the event of an accident at work, the employer will be subject to Processes such as:
Police Inquiry – Civil Police;
Expertise through the Criminal Institute;
Investigation Procedure at the Regional Labor Office;
Public Civil Inquiry before the Public Ministry of Labor to verify that other workers are not in danger;
The INSS will question the cause of the accident that could have been avoided and refuse to pay the benefit to the employee;
Family members may file a lawsuit in the Labor Court claiming Moral, Material, Dislocation, etc.;
Procedural Tsunami forcing the Employer to generate Defense Strategy even though it is right;
Although the Labor Delegation Law does not provide that the “culpa en vigilando” applies, but only the responsibility to deliver the equipment, but it is worth emphasizing that the Employer is also responsible for monitoring;
When an accident occurs, in addition to destroying all the “good mood” in the relationships between employees or also the very serious problem of defending yourself from a series of procedures at the same time, then it is worth investing in this prevention;
The Employee may not carry out activities exposed to risks that may compromise his safety and health, so the Employer may respond in the criminal and civil spheres.
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Learn more: Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12:
Saiba Mais: Curso NR 12 em Inglês:
Physical Arrangement and installations:
NR 12.6 At the locals of machine and equipment’s installations, the areas of circulation must be properly demarcated and in conformity with the officials technical regulatory.
12.6.1 The main traffic routes in the work places and those leading to the exits must be at least 1,20 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) wide.
Course Interpretation and Application of NR 12:
12.6.2 Circulation areas shall be kept permanently unobstructed.
12.7 Materials in use in the production process should be allocated to specific storage areas, duly marked with stripes in the color indicated by the official technical standards or flagged when dealing with external areas.
12.8 The spaces around the machines and equipment must be appropriate to their type and type of operation in order to prevent the occurrence of work-related accidents and diseases.
12.8.1 The minimum distance between machines, in accordance with their characteristics and applications, shall ensure the safety of workers during their operation, maintenance, adjustment, cleaning and inspection, and allow the movement of the body segments, given the nature of the task.
12.8.2 Areas of circulation and storage of materials and spaces around machinery shall be designed, sized and maintained so that workers and material, mechanized and manual conveyors move safely.
12.9 The floors of workplaces where machines and equipment and of circulation areas are installed shall:
a) be kept clean and free of objects, tools and any materials that offer an accident risk;
b) have characteristics in order to prevent risks from grease, oils and other substances and materials which make them slippery; and c) be level and resistant to the loads to which they are subject.
12.10 Tools used in the production process should be organized and stored or arranged in specific places for this purpose.
12.11 Stationary machinery shall be preventative in its stability so that it does not tumble and is not moved by excessive vibration, shock, foreseeable external forces, internal dynamic forces or any other accidental cause.
12.11.1 The installation of stationary machines must comply with the necessary requirements supplied by the manufacturers or, in the absence thereof, the design elaborated by a legally qualified professional, especially regarding foundation, fixation, damping, leveling, ventilation, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power , grounding and cooling systems.
12.12 On mobile machines with casters, at least two of them shall have latches.
12.13 Machinery, traffic areas, workplaces and any other places where workers may be present should be positioned so that there is no overhead transport and movement of materials over workers. Electrical installations and devices.
12.14 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment shall be designed and maintained in such a way as to safely prevent the hazards of electric shock, fire, explosion and other types of accidents as prescribed in NR-10.
12.15 The installations, casings, housings, shielding or parts of machinery and equipment which are not part of the electrical circuits but which may be subject to voltage must be grounded in accordance with official technical standards.
12.16 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment that are or may be in direct or indirect contact with water or corrosive agents must be designed with means and devices that guarantee their shielding, sealing, insulation and grounding in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents.
12.17 The electrical supply conductors of the machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) provide mechanical resistance compatible with its use;
b) have protection against the possibility of mechanical breakage, abrasive contacts and contact with lubricants, fuels and heat;
c) location so that no segment is in contact with moving parts or live corners;
d) facilitate and not impede the transit of people and materials or the operation of the machines;
e) don’t offer any other types of risks in its location; and
f) consist of materials that don’t propagate fire, that is, self-extinguishing. (Amended by MTPS Ordinance No. 211 of December 9, 2015)
12.18 The power boards of machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) have access door, kept permanently closed;
b) have signs of danger of electric shock and restriction of access by unauthorized persons;
c) be kept in good repair, clean and free of objects and tools;
d) have protection and identification of circuits; and
e) meet the appropriate degree of protection depending on the environment of use.
12.19 Connections and leads of electrical conductors of machinery and equipment shall be made by means of appropriate devices and in accordance with official technical standards in force, in order to ensure adequate mechanical resistance and electrical contact, with characteristics equivalent to the electrical conductors used and protection against risks.
12.20 The electrical installations of machines and equipment that use electrical energy supplied by external source must have an overcurrent protection device, sized according to the consumption demand of the circuit.
12.20.1 Machinery and equipment must have a surge protection device when the voltage rises can create a risk of accidents.
12.20.2 In machinery and equipment where the failure or reversal of phases of the power supply can cause risks, there must be a device that prevents accidents. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.21 Machinery and equipment shall be prohibited:
a) the use of a general key as a starting and stopping device;
b) the use of knife-type keys in electrical circuits; and
c) the existence of exposed energized parts of circuits that use electric energy.
12.22 Batteries must meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) location so that its maintenance and exchange can be carried out easily from the ground or from a support platform;
b) constitution and fixation so that there is no accidental displacement; and
c) Positive terminal protection in order to prevent accidental contact and short circuit.
12.23 Service and replacement of batteries must be carried out according to the instructions in the operating manual. Starting, starting and stopping devices.
12.24 Starting, stopping and stopping devices of machinery shall be designed, selected and installed in such a way that:
a) are not located in their hazardous areas;
b) may be activated or deactivated in the event of an emergency by another person other than the operator;
c) prevent any involuntary activation or disconnection by the operator or in any other accidental manner;
d) don’t entail additional risks; and
e) Can’t be circumvented.
12.25 The starting or operating controls of the machinery must have devices which prevent its automatic operation when energized.
12.26 When two-hand control type drive devices are used to keep the operator’s hands out of the danger zone, they must meet the following minimum command requirements:
a) have synchronous actuation, that is, an output signal must be generated only when the two actuating devices of the button pushbutton are actuated with a time delay less than or equal to 0.5 s (half a second); (Rectified by Administrative Rule No. 1,893 of December 9, 2013)
b) be under automatic monitoring by security interface;
c) to have a relation between the input and output signals, so that the input signals applied to each of the two actuating devices of the control must together start and maintain the output signal of the bimanual control device only during the application of the two signs;
d) the output signal must end when any of the actuating devices are disengaged;
e) have control devices that require intentional actuation in order to minimize the probability of accidental command;
f) have distances and barriers between the actuating devices of command to make it difficult to mock the protection effect of the bimanual control device; and
g) make it possible to restart the output signal only after deactivating the two actuating devices of the control.
12.27 In machinery and equipment operated by two or more bimanual drive devices, synchronous actuation is required only for each bimanual drive device and not between different devices, which must maintain simultaneity with each other. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.28 Bimanual actuators shall be positioned at a safe distance from the danger zone, taking into account: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) the shape, arrangement and response time of the bimanual drive device; (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
b) the maximum time required to stop the machine or to remove the hazard after the end of the deactivated signal from the two-hand drive; and (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
c) the intended use for the machine.
12.29 Mobile bimanual drive devices mounted on pedestals shall: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) to remain stable in their working position; and
b) have height compatible with the range of the operator in his working position. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30 On machinery and equipment whose operation requires the participation of more than one person, the number of simultaneous bimanual actuators shall correspond to the number of operators exposed to the hazards arising from their actuation, so that the level of protection is the same for each worker. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.1 There shall be a selector of the number of drive devices in use, with a lock which prevents unauthorized persons from selecting them.
12.30.2 The drive circuit shall be designed to prevent the operation of the bimanual drive devices enabled by the selector while the other commands not enabled are not disconnected. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.3 When two or more simultaneous bimanual actuators are used, they shall be provided with a signal indicating their operation. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.31 Machinery or equipment designed and manufactured to permit the use of various control or operating modes having different levels of safety shall have a selector which meets the following requirements:
a) blocking in each position, preventing their change by unauthorized persons;
b) correspondence of each position to a single command or operating mode;
c) control mode selected with priority over all other control systems, with the exception of the emergency stop; and
d) the selection must be visible, clear and easily identifiable.
12.32 Machinery and equipment, which the activation by unauthorized persons can pose a risk to the health or physical integrity of any person, must have a system that allows the blocking of their triggering devices.
12.33 Simultaneous activation and shut down by a single control of a set of machines and equipment or large machinery and equipment shall be preceded by an audible alarm.
12.34 Additional warning measures, such as visual signals and telecommunication devices should be adopted, where appropriate, taking into account the characteristics of the production process and the workers.
12.35 Radiofrequency controlled machinery and equipment must be protected against accidental electromagnetic interference.
12.36 The start, stop, start and control components that make up the operating interface of the machines and equipment manufactured as of March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and paragraphs amended by Administrative Rule No. 857 of June 25, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the chapter on emergency stop devices, of this standard; and
b) operate at extra voltage up to 25V AC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or to adopt another measure of protection against electric shocks, according to current Official Technical Standards.
12.36.1 The starting, stopping, triggering and control components that make up the operating interface of machines and equipment manufactured up to March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and items inserted by Administrative Rule MTE no. 857, dated 06/25/2012, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the emergency stop devices chapter, of this standard; and
b) where the risk assessment indicates the need for protection against electric shock, operate at an extra-low voltage of up to 25 VAC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60 VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or according to official Technical Standards.
12.37 When indicated by the risk assessment, depending on the required safety category, the electric circuit of starting and stopping, including emergency, the engine of the machinery and equipment must be redundant and meet one of the following concepts, or be in accordance with established national technical standards and, in the absence thereof, by international technical standards: (Amended item and items inserted by MTPS Order no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
a) have at least two contactors connected in series, with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by a safety interface;
b) use a contactor with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that have an enable input and provide a fault signal, monitored by a safety interface;
c) use two contactors with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by safety interface, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that don’t have an enable input and don’t provide a fail signal.
d) Use inverters or converters of frequencies or soft starters whose have a security entrance and attend the security category requirements.
12.37.1 In order to comply with the requirements of item 12.37, items “b”, “c” and “d”, controlled stopping of the engine is allowed provided there is no risk of non-instantaneous stopping. (Inserted by Ministerial Order MTPS no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
Curso NR 12 em Inglês: Consulte-nos.
Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12: Contact Us.
Validade das Inspeções: ANUAL exceto se ocorrer quaisquer das seguintes situações:
a) mudança nos procedimentos, finalidades, condições ou operações de trabalho;
b) evento que indique a necessidade de nova Inspeção;
c) mudança de empresa;
d) troca de máquina ou equipamento.
Será emitido Documento Técnico por Profissionais Legalmente Habilitados Perito e Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho com ART;
Os Equipamentos utilizados possuem Atestado de Aferição vigente e demais equipamentos são analógicos.
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em AutoCad ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
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Saiba Mais: Substituir:
*OBS: É necessário que o Plano de Inspeção Manutenção NR 12 de cada Máquina e/ou Equipamento esteja atualizado em Conformidade com as Normas Regulamentadoras.
Substituir: Consulte-nos.
Referências Normativas
Referências Normativas (Fontes) aos dispositivos aplicáveis, suas atualizações e substituições até a presente data:
NR 07 – Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional – PCMSO;
NR 09 – Avaliação e Controle das Exposições Ocupacionais a Agentes Físicos, Químicos e Biológicos;
ABNT NBR 5426 – Planos de amostragem e procedimentos na inspeção por atributos;
ABNT NBR 10719 – Informação e documentação – Relatório técnico e/ou científico – Apresentação;
ABNT NBR 16746 – Segurança de máquinas – Manual de Instruções – Princípios gerais de elaboração;
NBR ISO 13850 – Segurança de Máquinas – Função de parada de emergência – Princípios para projeto;
ABNT ISO/TR 14121-2 – Segurança de máquinas – Apreciação de riscos;
ABNT NBR 14277 – Instalações e equipamentos para treinamento de combate a incêndio – Requisitos;
NBRISO/IEC27557 – Segurança da Informação, segurança cibernética e proteção da privacidade;
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17011 – Avaliação da Conformidade – Requisitos para os Organismos de Acreditação que Acreditam Organismos de Avaliação da Conformidade;
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 – Requisitos Gerais para a Competência de Laboratórios de Ensaios e Calibração;
ABNT NBR ISO 31000 – Gestão de riscos de privacidade organizacional;
ISO 45001 – Sistemas de gestão de saúde e segurança ocupacional – Requisitos com orientação para uso;
Target Normas;
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT;
Outras Normas Técnicas Aplicáveis.
Nota: Este Serviço atende exclusivamente as exigências da MTE (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego) quando se tratar de atendimento a outros Órgãos, informe no ato da solicitação.
A relação de EPIs necessários
Prontuários de cada máquina e seus últimos Relatórios Técnicos, Projetos caso hajam;
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em Arquivo DWG ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
O que são Células de Carga?
As células de carga são medidores de deformação ou flexão de um corpo, transformando grandeza física, ou seja, uma força, em um sinal elétrico. Utilizadas na análise experimental de esforços e na medição elétrica da resistência à tensão, essas células são empregadas na maioria das aplicações industriais.
Documentos necessários para Equipamentos de Içamento
a) Arts do Pórtico com os últimos 3 laudos, incluindo a ART com Memorial de Cálculo do Projeto Inicial do Pórtico;
b) Memoriais de Cálculo de Dimensionamento da Talha atual X pórtico com ART;
c) Memoriais de cálculo de carga do moitão da talha e dos cabos de aço com ART;
d) ART da Montagem da Talha com Memorial de Cálculo Estrutural;
e) Todas as soldas constantes no pórtico deverão estar sem tintas ou resíduos e também não deverão estar lixadas, bem como o moitão e o gancho da talha;
f) O setor deve ficar interditado até segunda ordem para os testes;
g) Deverá ter uma carga disponível com uma balança calibrada e com Laudo da capacidade e uma carga com 175%.
h) O Eng de segurança do trabalho em conjunto com o SESMT deverão emitir uma declaração de responsabilidade quanto ao teste de carga em caso de rompimento ou acidente com um de nossos colaboradores;
i) Todos os Sistemas Elétricos deverão estar desativados com sistema Power Lockout;
Serão utilizados os sistemas de líquido penetrante e líquido revelador nas soldas o que poderá intoxicar quaisquer alimentos presentes.
j) O Teste de Carga será realizado conforme norma da ABNT desde que autorizado e declarado pelos responsáveis a inteira responsabilidade por quaisquer questões que ocorram com nossos colaboradores durante o teste. Sendo este executado em 1 hora com carga a 100% da carga talha e mais uma hora com 125% da carga talha.
l) Observe-se que, se não houverem as documentações solicitadas, que a empresa declare que não há via e-mail.
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção do Equipamento é obrigatório conforme previsto na NR 12.
Saiba Mais
Learn more: Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12:
Saiba Mais: Curso NR 12 em Inglês:
Physical Arrangement and installations:
NR 12.6 At the locals of machine and equipment’s installations, the areas of circulation must be properly demarcated and in conformity with the officials technical regulatory.
12.6.1 The main traffic routes in the work places and those leading to the exits must be at least 1,20 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) wide.
Course Interpretation and Application of NR 12:
12.6.2 Circulation areas shall be kept permanently unobstructed.
12.7 Materials in use in the production process should be allocated to specific storage areas, duly marked with stripes in the color indicated by the official technical standards or flagged when dealing with external areas.
12.8 The spaces around the machines and equipment must be appropriate to their type and type of operation in order to prevent the occurrence of work-related accidents and diseases.
12.8.1 The minimum distance between machines, in accordance with their characteristics and applications, shall ensure the safety of workers during their operation, maintenance, adjustment, cleaning and inspection, and allow the movement of the body segments, given the nature of the task.
12.8.2 Areas of circulation and storage of materials and spaces around machinery shall be designed, sized and maintained so that workers and material, mechanized and manual conveyors move safely.
12.9 The floors of workplaces where machines and equipment and of circulation areas are installed shall:
a) be kept clean and free of objects, tools and any materials that offer an accident risk;
b) have characteristics in order to prevent risks from grease, oils and other substances and materials which make them slippery; and c) be level and resistant to the loads to which they are subject.
12.10 Tools used in the production process should be organized and stored or arranged in specific places for this purpose.
12.11 Stationary machinery shall be preventative in its stability so that it does not tumble and is not moved by excessive vibration, shock, foreseeable external forces, internal dynamic forces or any other accidental cause.
12.11.1 The installation of stationary machines must comply with the necessary requirements supplied by the manufacturers or, in the absence thereof, the design elaborated by a legally qualified professional, especially regarding foundation, fixation, damping, leveling, ventilation, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power , grounding and cooling systems.
12.12 On mobile machines with casters, at least two of them shall have latches.
12.13 Machinery, traffic areas, workplaces and any other places where workers may be present should be positioned so that there is no overhead transport and movement of materials over workers. Electrical installations and devices.
12.14 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment shall be designed and maintained in such a way as to safely prevent the hazards of electric shock, fire, explosion and other types of accidents as prescribed in NR-10.
12.15 The installations, casings, housings, shielding or parts of machinery and equipment which are not part of the electrical circuits but which may be subject to voltage must be grounded in accordance with official technical standards.
12.16 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment that are or may be in direct or indirect contact with water or corrosive agents must be designed with means and devices that guarantee their shielding, sealing, insulation and grounding in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents.
12.17 The electrical supply conductors of the machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) provide mechanical resistance compatible with its use;
b) have protection against the possibility of mechanical breakage, abrasive contacts and contact with lubricants, fuels and heat;
c) location so that no segment is in contact with moving parts or live corners;
d) facilitate and not impede the transit of people and materials or the operation of the machines;
e) don’t offer any other types of risks in its location; and
f) consist of materials that don’t propagate fire, that is, self-extinguishing. (Amended by MTPS Ordinance No. 211 of December 9, 2015)
12.18 The power boards of machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) have access door, kept permanently closed;
b) have signs of danger of electric shock and restriction of access by unauthorized persons;
c) be kept in good repair, clean and free of objects and tools;
d) have protection and identification of circuits; and
e) meet the appropriate degree of protection depending on the environment of use.
12.19 Connections and leads of electrical conductors of machinery and equipment shall be made by means of appropriate devices and in accordance with official technical standards in force, in order to ensure adequate mechanical resistance and electrical contact, with characteristics equivalent to the electrical conductors used and protection against risks.
12.20 The electrical installations of machines and equipment that use electrical energy supplied by external source must have an overcurrent protection device, sized according to the consumption demand of the circuit.
12.20.1 Machinery and equipment must have a surge protection device when the voltage rises can create a risk of accidents.
12.20.2 In machinery and equipment where the failure or reversal of phases of the power supply can cause risks, there must be a device that prevents accidents. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.21 Machinery and equipment shall be prohibited:
a) the use of a general key as a starting and stopping device;
b) the use of knife-type keys in electrical circuits; and
c) the existence of exposed energized parts of circuits that use electric energy.
12.22 Batteries must meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) location so that its maintenance and exchange can be carried out easily from the ground or from a support platform;
b) constitution and fixation so that there is no accidental displacement; and
c) Positive terminal protection in order to prevent accidental contact and short circuit.
12.23 Service and replacement of batteries must be carried out according to the instructions in the operating manual. Starting, starting and stopping devices.
12.24 Starting, stopping and stopping devices of machinery shall be designed, selected and installed in such a way that:
a) are not located in their hazardous areas;
b) may be activated or deactivated in the event of an emergency by another person other than the operator;
c) prevent any involuntary activation or disconnection by the operator or in any other accidental manner;
d) don’t entail additional risks; and
e) Can’t be circumvented.
12.25 The starting or operating controls of the machinery must have devices which prevent its automatic operation when energized.
12.26 When two-hand control type drive devices are used to keep the operator’s hands out of the danger zone, they must meet the following minimum command requirements:
a) have synchronous actuation, that is, an output signal must be generated only when the two actuating devices of the button pushbutton are actuated with a time delay less than or equal to 0.5 s (half a second); (Rectified by Administrative Rule No. 1,893 of December 9, 2013)
b) be under automatic monitoring by security interface;
c) to have a relation between the input and output signals, so that the input signals applied to each of the two actuating devices of the control must together start and maintain the output signal of the bimanual control device only during the application of the two signs;
d) the output signal must end when any of the actuating devices are disengaged;
e) have control devices that require intentional actuation in order to minimize the probability of accidental command;
f) have distances and barriers between the actuating devices of command to make it difficult to mock the protection effect of the bimanual control device; and
g) make it possible to restart the output signal only after deactivating the two actuating devices of the control.
12.27 In machinery and equipment operated by two or more bimanual drive devices, synchronous actuation is required only for each bimanual drive device and not between different devices, which must maintain simultaneity with each other. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.28 Bimanual actuators shall be positioned at a safe distance from the danger zone, taking into account: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) the shape, arrangement and response time of the bimanual drive device; (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
b) the maximum time required to stop the machine or to remove the hazard after the end of the deactivated signal from the two-hand drive; and (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
c) the intended use for the machine.
12.29 Mobile bimanual drive devices mounted on pedestals shall: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) to remain stable in their working position; and
b) have height compatible with the range of the operator in his working position. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30 On machinery and equipment whose operation requires the participation of more than one person, the number of simultaneous bimanual actuators shall correspond to the number of operators exposed to the hazards arising from their actuation, so that the level of protection is the same for each worker. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.1 There shall be a selector of the number of drive devices in use, with a lock which prevents unauthorized persons from selecting them.
12.30.2 The drive circuit shall be designed to prevent the operation of the bimanual drive devices enabled by the selector while the other commands not enabled are not disconnected. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.3 When two or more simultaneous bimanual actuators are used, they shall be provided with a signal indicating their operation. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.31 Machinery or equipment designed and manufactured to permit the use of various control or operating modes having different levels of safety shall have a selector which meets the following requirements:
a) blocking in each position, preventing their change by unauthorized persons;
b) correspondence of each position to a single command or operating mode;
c) control mode selected with priority over all other control systems, with the exception of the emergency stop; and
d) the selection must be visible, clear and easily identifiable.
12.32 Machinery and equipment, which the activation by unauthorized persons can pose a risk to the health or physical integrity of any person, must have a system that allows the blocking of their triggering devices.
12.33 Simultaneous activation and shut down by a single control of a set of machines and equipment or large machinery and equipment shall be preceded by an audible alarm.
12.34 Additional warning measures, such as visual signals and telecommunication devices should be adopted, where appropriate, taking into account the characteristics of the production process and the workers.
12.35 Radiofrequency controlled machinery and equipment must be protected against accidental electromagnetic interference.
12.36 The start, stop, start and control components that make up the operating interface of the machines and equipment manufactured as of March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and paragraphs amended by Administrative Rule No. 857 of June 25, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the chapter on emergency stop devices, of this standard; and
b) operate at extra voltage up to 25V AC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or to adopt another measure of protection against electric shocks, according to current Official Technical Standards.
12.36.1 The starting, stopping, triggering and control components that make up the operating interface of machines and equipment manufactured up to March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and items inserted by Administrative Rule MTE no. 857, dated 06/25/2012, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the emergency stop devices chapter, of this standard; and
b) where the risk assessment indicates the need for protection against electric shock, operate at an extra-low voltage of up to 25 VAC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60 VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or according to official Technical Standards.
12.37 When indicated by the risk assessment, depending on the required safety category, the electric circuit of starting and stopping, including emergency, the engine of the machinery and equipment must be redundant and meet one of the following concepts, or be in accordance with established national technical standards and, in the absence thereof, by international technical standards: (Amended item and items inserted by MTPS Order no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
a) have at least two contactors connected in series, with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by a safety interface;
b) use a contactor with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that have an enable input and provide a fault signal, monitored by a safety interface;
c) use two contactors with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by safety interface, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that don’t have an enable input and don’t provide a fail signal.
d) Use inverters or converters of frequencies or soft starters whose have a security entrance and attend the security category requirements.
12.37.1 In order to comply with the requirements of item 12.37, items “b”, “c” and “d”, controlled stopping of the engine is allowed provided there is no risk of non-instantaneous stopping. (Inserted by Ministerial Order MTPS no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
Curso NR 12 em Inglês: Consulte-nos.
Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12: Contact Us.
Validade das Inspeções: ANUAL exceto se ocorrer quaisquer das seguintes situações:
a) mudança nos procedimentos, finalidades, condições ou operações de trabalho;
b) evento que indique a necessidade de nova Inspeção;
c) mudança de empresa;
d) troca de máquina ou equipamento.
Será emitido Documento Técnico por Profissionais Legalmente Habilitados Perito e Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho com ART;
Os Equipamentos utilizados possuem Atestado de Aferição vigente e demais equipamentos são analógicos.
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em AutoCad ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
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Saiba Mais: Substituir:
*OBS: É necessário que o Plano de Inspeção Manutenção NR 12 de cada Máquina e/ou Equipamento esteja atualizado em Conformidade com as Normas Regulamentadoras.
Substituir: Consulte-nos.
Escopo do Serviço
Avaliação qualitativa;
Avaliação quantitativa;
Tagueamento de Máquinas e Equipamentos;
RETROFIT – Processo de Modernização;
Manutenções pontuais ou cíclicas.
Verificações quando for pertinentes:
Manual de Instrução de Operação da Máquina ou Equipamento;
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção da Máquina ou Equipamento seguindo a NR 12;
Relatório Técnico com ART da Máquina ou Equipamento conforme NR 12;
Teste de Carga (com ART) conforme NR 12;
END (Ensaios Não Destrutivos) conforme NR 12;
APR (Análise Preliminar de Risco);
Disposições Finais:
Registro fotográfico;
Registro das Evidências;
Conclusão do PLH;
Proposta de melhorias corretivas;
Emissão da ART (Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica) – exceto Laudo Pericial;
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em AutoCad ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
O que são Células de Carga?
As células de carga são medidores de deformação ou flexão de um corpo, transformando grandeza física, ou seja, uma força, em um sinal elétrico. Utilizadas na análise experimental de esforços e na medição elétrica da resistência à tensão, essas células são empregadas na maioria das aplicações industriais.
Cabe a Contratante fornecer :
Procedimentos da Inspeção quando for o caso e se envolver Estruturas:
Importante: Serão realizados Teste de Solda e Sistema de Líquido Penetrante no equipamento e nas peças que contenham pontos de solda;
01- Os pontos que contém solda no decorrer da peça (Inclusive quando tiver braço articulado e apoio de cesto acoplado) deverão estar devidamente decapados, sem nenhum tipo de resíduos tais como tintas, vernizes, colas ou qualquer tipo de sujidades ou resíduos de óleo, graxa etc;
02- Passar PINTOFF em todas as bases do Equipamento e peças de apoio, limpar bem e passar pano (não deixar nenhuma sujidade);
03- Se tiver Lanças automáticas ou lança manual, lixar solda da frente;
04- Se Contratado Execução de TESTE DE CARGA e o equipamento não tiver Célula de Carga* cabe a Contratante disponibilizar compartimento para teste de carga (tipo big bag, cintas novas calibradas INMETRO, balança, tarugos de metal calibrado ou sacos de areia pesados equivalente até 125% que o equipamento suporta e fornecer Declaração de Responsabilidade referente a Capacidade do Equipamento.
Se Contratado ENSAIOS ELÉTRICOS em Cesto acoplado de preferência com Placa de Identificação, o mesmo deverá estar no nível do solo juntamente com Laudo de Fabricação de aparelhos que tiver para sabermos quantos Volts suporta.
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção do Equipamento é obrigatório conforme previsto na NR 12.
Entenda a relação entre Preço e Valor:
Executar uma tarefa tão estratégica como precificar um Serviço exige conhecimento sobre o mundo dos negócios.
Dois conceitos fundamentais para entender como precificar são as definições de Preço e Valor.
Valor é um conceito qualitativo, e está ligado ao potencial transformador daquele conteúdo.
Um curso tem mais valor quando ele agrega mais conhecimentos ao público-alvo.
Preço é uma consequência do valor.
Por ser um conceito essencialmente quantitativo, ele é responsável por “traduzir” o valor em um número.
Portanto, quanto maior é o valor agregado ao conteúdo, maior será o preço justo.
A relação de EPIs necessários
Prontuários de cada máquina e seus últimos Relatórios Técnicos, Projetos caso hajam;
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em Arquivo DWG ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
O que são Células de Carga?
As células de carga são medidores de deformação ou flexão de um corpo, transformando grandeza física, ou seja, uma força, em um sinal elétrico. Utilizadas na análise experimental de esforços e na medição elétrica da resistência à tensão, essas células são empregadas na maioria das aplicações industriais.
Documentos necessários para Equipamentos de Içamento
a) Arts do Pórtico com os últimos 3 laudos, incluindo a ART com Memorial de Cálculo do Projeto Inicial do Pórtico;
b) Memoriais de Cálculo de Dimensionamento da Talha atual X pórtico com ART;
c) Memoriais de cálculo de carga do moitão da talha e dos cabos de aço com ART;
d) ART da Montagem da Talha com Memorial de Cálculo Estrutural;
e) Todas as soldas constantes no pórtico deverão estar sem tintas ou resíduos e também não deverão estar lixadas, bem como o moitão e o gancho da talha;
f) O setor deve ficar interditado até segunda ordem para os testes;
g) Deverá ter uma carga disponível com uma balança calibrada e com Laudo da capacidade e uma carga com 175%.
h) O Eng de segurança do trabalho em conjunto com o SESMT deverão emitir uma declaração de responsabilidade quanto ao teste de carga em caso de rompimento ou acidente com um de nossos colaboradores;
i) Todos os Sistemas Elétricos deverão estar desativados com sistema Power Lockout;
Serão utilizados os sistemas de líquido penetrante e líquido revelador nas soldas o que poderá intoxicar quaisquer alimentos presentes.
j) O Teste de Carga será realizado conforme norma da ABNT desde que autorizado e declarado pelos responsáveis a inteira responsabilidade por quaisquer questões que ocorram com nossos colaboradores durante o teste. Sendo este executado em 1 hora com carga a 100% da carga talha e mais uma hora com 125% da carga talha.
l) Observe-se que, se não houverem as documentações solicitadas, que a empresa declare que não há via e-mail.
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção do Equipamento é obrigatório conforme previsto na NR 12.
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Learn more: Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12:
Saiba Mais: Curso NR 12 em Inglês:
Physical Arrangement and installations:
NR 12.6 At the locals of machine and equipment’s installations, the areas of circulation must be properly demarcated and in conformity with the officials technical regulatory.
12.6.1 The main traffic routes in the work places and those leading to the exits must be at least 1,20 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) wide.
Course Interpretation and Application of NR 12:
12.6.2 Circulation areas shall be kept permanently unobstructed.
12.7 Materials in use in the production process should be allocated to specific storage areas, duly marked with stripes in the color indicated by the official technical standards or flagged when dealing with external areas.
12.8 The spaces around the machines and equipment must be appropriate to their type and type of operation in order to prevent the occurrence of work-related accidents and diseases.
12.8.1 The minimum distance between machines, in accordance with their characteristics and applications, shall ensure the safety of workers during their operation, maintenance, adjustment, cleaning and inspection, and allow the movement of the body segments, given the nature of the task.
12.8.2 Areas of circulation and storage of materials and spaces around machinery shall be designed, sized and maintained so that workers and material, mechanized and manual conveyors move safely.
12.9 The floors of workplaces where machines and equipment and of circulation areas are installed shall:
a) be kept clean and free of objects, tools and any materials that offer an accident risk;
b) have characteristics in order to prevent risks from grease, oils and other substances and materials which make them slippery; and c) be level and resistant to the loads to which they are subject.
12.10 Tools used in the production process should be organized and stored or arranged in specific places for this purpose.
12.11 Stationary machinery shall be preventative in its stability so that it does not tumble and is not moved by excessive vibration, shock, foreseeable external forces, internal dynamic forces or any other accidental cause.
12.11.1 The installation of stationary machines must comply with the necessary requirements supplied by the manufacturers or, in the absence thereof, the design elaborated by a legally qualified professional, especially regarding foundation, fixation, damping, leveling, ventilation, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power , grounding and cooling systems.
12.12 On mobile machines with casters, at least two of them shall have latches.
12.13 Machinery, traffic areas, workplaces and any other places where workers may be present should be positioned so that there is no overhead transport and movement of materials over workers. Electrical installations and devices.
12.14 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment shall be designed and maintained in such a way as to safely prevent the hazards of electric shock, fire, explosion and other types of accidents as prescribed in NR-10.
12.15 The installations, casings, housings, shielding or parts of machinery and equipment which are not part of the electrical circuits but which may be subject to voltage must be grounded in accordance with official technical standards.
12.16 The electrical installations of machinery and equipment that are or may be in direct or indirect contact with water or corrosive agents must be designed with means and devices that guarantee their shielding, sealing, insulation and grounding in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents.
12.17 The electrical supply conductors of the machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) provide mechanical resistance compatible with its use;
b) have protection against the possibility of mechanical breakage, abrasive contacts and contact with lubricants, fuels and heat;
c) location so that no segment is in contact with moving parts or live corners;
d) facilitate and not impede the transit of people and materials or the operation of the machines;
e) don’t offer any other types of risks in its location; and
f) consist of materials that don’t propagate fire, that is, self-extinguishing. (Amended by MTPS Ordinance No. 211 of December 9, 2015)
12.18 The power boards of machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) have access door, kept permanently closed;
b) have signs of danger of electric shock and restriction of access by unauthorized persons;
c) be kept in good repair, clean and free of objects and tools;
d) have protection and identification of circuits; and
e) meet the appropriate degree of protection depending on the environment of use.
12.19 Connections and leads of electrical conductors of machinery and equipment shall be made by means of appropriate devices and in accordance with official technical standards in force, in order to ensure adequate mechanical resistance and electrical contact, with characteristics equivalent to the electrical conductors used and protection against risks.
12.20 The electrical installations of machines and equipment that use electrical energy supplied by external source must have an overcurrent protection device, sized according to the consumption demand of the circuit.
12.20.1 Machinery and equipment must have a surge protection device when the voltage rises can create a risk of accidents.
12.20.2 In machinery and equipment where the failure or reversal of phases of the power supply can cause risks, there must be a device that prevents accidents. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.21 Machinery and equipment shall be prohibited:
a) the use of a general key as a starting and stopping device;
b) the use of knife-type keys in electrical circuits; and
c) the existence of exposed energized parts of circuits that use electric energy.
12.22 Batteries must meet the following minimum safety requirements:
a) location so that its maintenance and exchange can be carried out easily from the ground or from a support platform;
b) constitution and fixation so that there is no accidental displacement; and
c) Positive terminal protection in order to prevent accidental contact and short circuit.
12.23 Service and replacement of batteries must be carried out according to the instructions in the operating manual. Starting, starting and stopping devices.
12.24 Starting, stopping and stopping devices of machinery shall be designed, selected and installed in such a way that:
a) are not located in their hazardous areas;
b) may be activated or deactivated in the event of an emergency by another person other than the operator;
c) prevent any involuntary activation or disconnection by the operator or in any other accidental manner;
d) don’t entail additional risks; and
e) Can’t be circumvented.
12.25 The starting or operating controls of the machinery must have devices which prevent its automatic operation when energized.
12.26 When two-hand control type drive devices are used to keep the operator’s hands out of the danger zone, they must meet the following minimum command requirements:
a) have synchronous actuation, that is, an output signal must be generated only when the two actuating devices of the button pushbutton are actuated with a time delay less than or equal to 0.5 s (half a second); (Rectified by Administrative Rule No. 1,893 of December 9, 2013)
b) be under automatic monitoring by security interface;
c) to have a relation between the input and output signals, so that the input signals applied to each of the two actuating devices of the control must together start and maintain the output signal of the bimanual control device only during the application of the two signs;
d) the output signal must end when any of the actuating devices are disengaged;
e) have control devices that require intentional actuation in order to minimize the probability of accidental command;
f) have distances and barriers between the actuating devices of command to make it difficult to mock the protection effect of the bimanual control device; and
g) make it possible to restart the output signal only after deactivating the two actuating devices of the control.
12.27 In machinery and equipment operated by two or more bimanual drive devices, synchronous actuation is required only for each bimanual drive device and not between different devices, which must maintain simultaneity with each other. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.28 Bimanual actuators shall be positioned at a safe distance from the danger zone, taking into account: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) the shape, arrangement and response time of the bimanual drive device; (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
b) the maximum time required to stop the machine or to remove the hazard after the end of the deactivated signal from the two-hand drive; and (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
c) the intended use for the machine.
12.29 Mobile bimanual drive devices mounted on pedestals shall: (Amended by MTB Decree No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
a) to remain stable in their working position; and
b) have height compatible with the range of the operator in his working position. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30 On machinery and equipment whose operation requires the participation of more than one person, the number of simultaneous bimanual actuators shall correspond to the number of operators exposed to the hazards arising from their actuation, so that the level of protection is the same for each worker. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.1 There shall be a selector of the number of drive devices in use, with a lock which prevents unauthorized persons from selecting them.
12.30.2 The drive circuit shall be designed to prevent the operation of the bimanual drive devices enabled by the selector while the other commands not enabled are not disconnected. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.30.3 When two or more simultaneous bimanual actuators are used, they shall be provided with a signal indicating their operation. (Amended by Ordinance MTb No. 1,110, dated September 21, 2016)
12.31 Machinery or equipment designed and manufactured to permit the use of various control or operating modes having different levels of safety shall have a selector which meets the following requirements:
a) blocking in each position, preventing their change by unauthorized persons;
b) correspondence of each position to a single command or operating mode;
c) control mode selected with priority over all other control systems, with the exception of the emergency stop; and
d) the selection must be visible, clear and easily identifiable.
12.32 Machinery and equipment, which the activation by unauthorized persons can pose a risk to the health or physical integrity of any person, must have a system that allows the blocking of their triggering devices.
12.33 Simultaneous activation and shut down by a single control of a set of machines and equipment or large machinery and equipment shall be preceded by an audible alarm.
12.34 Additional warning measures, such as visual signals and telecommunication devices should be adopted, where appropriate, taking into account the characteristics of the production process and the workers.
12.35 Radiofrequency controlled machinery and equipment must be protected against accidental electromagnetic interference.
12.36 The start, stop, start and control components that make up the operating interface of the machines and equipment manufactured as of March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and paragraphs amended by Administrative Rule No. 857 of June 25, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the chapter on emergency stop devices, of this standard; and
b) operate at extra voltage up to 25V AC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or to adopt another measure of protection against electric shocks, according to current Official Technical Standards.
12.36.1 The starting, stopping, triggering and control components that make up the operating interface of machines and equipment manufactured up to March 24, 2012 shall: (Item and items inserted by Administrative Rule MTE no. 857, dated 06/25/2012, 2015)
a) enable the installation and operation of the emergency stop system, where applicable, according to the items and sub-items of the emergency stop devices chapter, of this standard; and
b) where the risk assessment indicates the need for protection against electric shock, operate at an extra-low voltage of up to 25 VAC (twenty-five volts in alternating current) or up to 60 VDC (sixty volts in direct current), or according to official Technical Standards.
12.37 When indicated by the risk assessment, depending on the required safety category, the electric circuit of starting and stopping, including emergency, the engine of the machinery and equipment must be redundant and meet one of the following concepts, or be in accordance with established national technical standards and, in the absence thereof, by international technical standards: (Amended item and items inserted by MTPS Order no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
a) have at least two contactors connected in series, with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by a safety interface;
b) use a contactor with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that have an enable input and provide a fault signal, monitored by a safety interface;
c) use two contactors with mechanically connected contacts or mirror contacts, monitored by safety interface, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft starters that don’t have an enable input and don’t provide a fail signal.
d) Use inverters or converters of frequencies or soft starters whose have a security entrance and attend the security category requirements.
12.37.1 In order to comply with the requirements of item 12.37, items “b”, “c” and “d”, controlled stopping of the engine is allowed provided there is no risk of non-instantaneous stopping. (Inserted by Ministerial Order MTPS no. 509, of April 29, 2016)
Curso NR 12 em Inglês: Consulte-nos.
Course of Interpretation and Applying of NR 12: Contact Us.
Escopo do Serviço
Escopo Normativo do Serviço:
Inspeções e verificações quando pertinentes a ser avaliadas na Inspeção pela nossa Equipe multidisciplinar:
Testes e ensaios quando contratado e pertinentes:
Outros elementos quando contratado e pertinentes:
Avaliação qualitativa;
Avaliação quantitativa;
Tagueamento de Máquinas e Equipamentos;
RETROFIT – Processo de Modernização;
Manutenções pontuais ou cíclicas;
Verificações quando for pertinentes:
Manual de Instrução de Operação da Máquina ou Equipamento;
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção da Máquina ou Equipamento seguindo a NR 12;
Relatório Técnico com ART da Máquina ou Equipamento conforme NR 12;
Teste de Carga (com ART) conforme NR 12;
END (Ensaios Não Destrutivos) conforme NR 12;
APR (Análise Preliminar de Risco);
Disposições Finais (quando pertinentes):
Caderno, Registro fotográfico e Registros de Avaliação;
Registro das Evidências;
Identificação dos Profissionais (Engenheiros e Peritos);
Conclusão do PLH;
Proposta de melhorias corretivas;
Quando Aplicável: Certificado de Calibração;
Emissão de ART (Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica) do CREA SP,
TRT (Termo de Responsabilidade Técnica) do CFT, e
CRT (Certificado de Responsabilidade Técnica) do CNDP BRASIL.
É facultado à nossa Equipe Multidisciplinar Atualizar, adequar, alterar e/ou excluir itens, conforme inspeção e sempre que for necessário, bem como efetuar a exclusão ou inserção de Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos que julgarem aplicáveis, estando relacionados ou não no Escopo Normativo ficando a Contratante responsável por efetuar os devidos atendimentos no que dispõem as Legislações pertinentes.
Referências Normativas
Referências Normativas (Fontes) aos dispositivos aplicáveis, suas atualizações e substituições até a presente data:
NR 07 – Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional – PCMSO;
NR 09 – Avaliação e Controle das Exposições Ocupacionais a Agentes Físicos, Químicos e Biológicos;
ABNT NBR 5426 – Planos de amostragem e procedimentos na inspeção por atributos;
ABNT NBR 10719 – Informação e documentação – Relatório técnico e/ou científico – Apresentação;
ABNT NBR 16746 – Segurança de máquinas – Manual de Instruções – Princípios gerais de elaboração;
NBR ISO 13850 – Segurança de Máquinas – Função de parada de emergência – Princípios para projeto;
ABNT ISO/TR 14121-2 – Segurança de máquinas – Apreciação de riscos;
ABNT NBR 14277 – Instalações e equipamentos para treinamento de combate a incêndio – Requisitos;
NBRISO/IEC27557 – Segurança da Informação, segurança cibernética e proteção da privacidade;
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17011 – Avaliação da Conformidade – Requisitos para os Organismos de Acreditação que Acreditam Organismos de Avaliação da Conformidade;
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 – Requisitos Gerais para a Competência de Laboratórios de Ensaios e Calibração;
ABNT NBR ISO 31000 – Gestão de riscos de privacidade organizacional;
ISO 45001 – Sistemas de gestão de saúde e segurança ocupacional – Requisitos com orientação para uso;
Target Normas;
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT;
Outras Normas Técnicas Aplicáveis.
Nota: Este Serviço atende exclusivamente as exigências da MTE (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego) quando se tratar de atendimento a outros Órgãos, informe no ato da solicitação.
Validade das Inspeções: ANUAL exceto se ocorrer quaisquer das seguintes situações:
a) mudança nos procedimentos, finalidades, condições ou operações de trabalho;
b) evento que indique a necessidade de nova Inspeção;
c) mudança de empresa;
d) troca de máquina ou equipamento.
Será emitido Documento Técnico por Profissionais Legalmente Habilitados Perito e Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho com ART;
Os Equipamentos utilizados possuem Atestado de Aferição vigente e demais equipamentos são analógicos.
A relação de EPIs necessários
Prontuários de cada máquina e seus últimos Relatórios Técnicos, Projetos caso hajam;
Cabe a Contratante fornecer quando for o caso:
Fornecer os meios, Projetos arquitetônicos em Arquivo DWG ou PDF;
Projeto Arquitetônico da Empresa que efetuará ou efetuou a instalação e contato com os mesmos.
Lista de todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos contidos nas áreas com marca, potência modelo, tipo e temperatura;
Se tiver inflamáveis e/ou combustíveis armazenados com mais 200 litros no total torna-se obrigatório fazer o Prontuário da NR-20.
Demais documentos e procedimentos necessários previstos antes ou depois da Inspeção técnica.
NÃO estão inclusos no Escopo do Serviço:
1. Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetônico;*
2. Elaboração de Projeto de Instalação;*
3. Elaboração do Memorial de Cálculo*
4. Elaboração de Memorial de Cálculo de Suporte;*
5. Elaboração de Manual de Instrução Técnica Operacional e de Manutenção;*
* (Consultar valor)
O que são Células de Carga?
As células de carga são medidores de deformação ou flexão de um corpo, transformando grandeza física, ou seja, uma força, em um sinal elétrico. Utilizadas na análise experimental de esforços e na medição elétrica da resistência à tensão, essas células são empregadas na maioria das aplicações industriais.
Cabe a Contratante fornecer :
Procedimentos da Inspeção quando for o caso e se envolver Estruturas:
Importante: Serão realizados Teste de Solda e Sistema de Líquido Penetrante no equipamento e nas peças que contenham pontos de solda;
01- Os pontos que contém solda no decorrer da peça (Inclusive quando tiver braço articulado e apoio de cesto acoplado) deverão estar devidamente decapados, sem nenhum tipo de resíduos tais como tintas, vernizes, colas ou qualquer tipo de sujidades ou resíduos de óleo, graxa etc;
02- Passar STRIPTIZI GEL em todas as bases do Equipamento e peças de apoio, limpar bem e passar pano (não deixar nenhuma sujidade);
03- Se tiver Lanças automáticas ou lança manual, lixar solda da frente;
04- Se Contratado Execução de TESTE DE CARGA cabe a Contratante disponibilizar CÉLULAS DE CARGA ou compartimento para teste de carga (tipo big bag, cintas novas calibradas INMETRO, balança, tarugos de metal calibrado ou sacos de areia pesados equivalente até 125% que o equipamento suporta e fornecer Declaração de Responsabilidade referente a Capacidade do Equipamento.
Se Contratado ENSAIOS ELÉTRICOS em Cesto acoplado de preferência com Placa de Identificação, o mesmo deverá estar no nível do solo juntamente com Laudo de Fabricação de aparelhos que tiver para sabermos quantos Volts suporta.
Documentos necessários para Equipamentos de Içamento
a) Arts do Pórtico com os últimos 3 laudos, incluindo a ART com Memorial de Cálculo do Projeto Inicial do Pórtico;
b) Memoriais de Cálculo de Dimensionamento da Talha atual X pórtico com ART;
c) Memoriais de cálculo de carga do moitão da talha e dos cabos de aço com ART;
d) ART da Montagem da Talha com Memorial de Cálculo Estrutural;
e) Todas as soldas constantes no pórtico deverão estar sem tintas ou resíduos e também não deverão estar lixadas, bem como o moitão e o gancho da talha;
f) O setor deve ficar interditado até segunda ordem para os testes;
g) Deverá ter uma carga disponível com uma balança calibrada e com Laudo da capacidade e uma carga com 175%.
h) O Eng de segurança do trabalho em conjunto com o SESMT deverão emitir uma declaração de responsabilidade quanto ao teste de carga em caso de rompimento ou acidente com um de nossos colaboradores;
i) Todos os Sistemas Elétricos deverão estar desativados com sistema Power Lockout;
Serão utilizados os sistemas de líquido penetrante e líquido revelador nas soldas o que poderá intoxicar quaisquer alimentos presentes.
j) O Teste de Carga será realizado conforme norma da ABNT desde que autorizado e declarado pelos responsáveis a inteira responsabilidade por quaisquer questões que ocorram com nossos colaboradores durante o teste. Sendo este executado em 1 hora com carga a 100% da carga talha e mais uma hora com 125% da carga talha.
l) Observe-se que, se não houverem as documentações solicitadas, que a empresa declare que não há via e-mail.
Plano de Inspeção e Manutenção do Equipamento é obrigatório conforme previsto na NR 12.
A justificativa da relação Preço e Valor:
A precificação de qualquer serviço exige expertise relacionada ao mundo dos negócios e o conceito de Valor é qualitativo, diretamente ligado ao potencial de transformação existente naquele conteúdo. O serviço tem mais valor quando tem conhecimento e segredos profissionais agregados e o preço é uma variável consequente do valor, cujo objetivo é transmiti-lo em números. Assim, quanto maior for o valor agregado ao conteúdo, maior será o seu preço justo. Portanto, não autorizamos a utilização de nossas Propostas como contraprova de fechamento com terceiros de menor preço, ou de interesse secundário, Qualidade, Segurança, Eficiência e Excelência, em todos os sentidos, são os nossos valores.
Saiba Mais
Saiba Mais: Substituir:
*OBS: É necessário que o Plano de Inspeção Manutenção NR 12 de cada Máquina e/ou Equipamento esteja atualizado em Conformidade com as Normas Regulamentadoras.
Substituir: Consulte-nos.